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We build our team based on merit alone. We never allow personal characteristics to influence whom we hire or promote to a position. Our diverse team of Rethinkers is part of what makes us great — we each bring our unique backgrounds and perspectives to the table, and this is reflected in the work we produce.

Rethink It: Respecting Alternate Work Schedules

To be very clear, our value of Win Together also translates to respect for alternate work schedules.

We are fortunate to work in a field that recognizes and rewards value. In assembling highly talented teams, we are open to bringing on qualified people who are trying to balance work and personal commitments — like caring for children or a family member, or artistic or athletic pursuits.

We will always staff our projects in such a way that clients’ needs are met. And we view everyone who works at Rethink as a full team member, regardless of how many hours per week they work.

Define It: What Are Protected

The law prohibits discrimination against people based on certain protected characteristics, including:

  • Race or ethnicity
  • Gender or gender identity
  • Age
  • Religion
  • Disability
  • Veteran status
  • Sexual orientation
  • Marital or family status


  • Evaluate candidates based on ability, job performance, and work experience

  • Never make employment decisions based on characteristics protected by the law

  • Hire suppliers based on who we think will deliver the most value to the company, not because of personal relationships or gifts

  • Are aware of our own unconscious biases as we interact with fellow Rethinkers, as well as our clients

  • Celebrate the diverse individuals who make Rethink who we are — this includes being respectful of each other’s cultures, pronouns, and any other individual characteristics.