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Personal Information

Our identity and personal information are valuable assets. Handling personal data correctly is essential to our business — and it’s the right thing to do.

If we receive personal information about others, we take steps to keep it safe. We also think carefully before accepting information from clients that might contain personal information about individuals, and we only accept it if we are prepared to protect it.

Rethink It: Protecting Key Information

Here are some practices to keep in mind when protecting key information:

  • Mark documents confidential.
  • Share on a need-to-know basis.
  • Get client permission before sharing work as samples.
  • Protect your computer and mobile devices.
  • Secure hard-copy materials that contain personal information.
  • Avoid discussing confidential topics in public places.


  • Know how to recognize personal information about individuals and exercise care when working with it

  • Store personal information safely — whether in paper or electronic form

  • Access personal information only when there is a business reason to do so