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Social Media

Because social media is so public, an accidental disclosure of sensitive or confidential information online can be especially problematic. And if we’re not careful, our activity on social media can affect our own reputation, or the company’s.

We must demonstrate good judgment when we use social media, whether we are using it for business reasons or on our personal time.

Rethink It: Careful Communication

Careful communication is essential — not just with the spoken word, but with the written word as well. Remember:

  • When you’re writing a business email or document, remember to keep it professional.
  • Don’t use offensive language and avoid expressing opinions that you wouldn’t want clients to know you expressed.
  • Be calm and factual. Do not draw legal opinions you’re not qualified to provide.
  • When using social media, don’t mention our company if you engage in debate or make statements that are likely to be offensive to others.


  • Never share confidential information about Rethink or clients on social media

  • Act professionally and respectfully when representing Rethink

  • Make it clear that our personal interactions online are not representative of the company